My One and Only
I fell in love with a poet.

I fell in love with someone
Who opened up his heart to me
And let me inside.

I fell in love with someone
Who wrote things about me
That I wished someone
Would write about me.

I fell in love with someone
Who needed me
Who I needed.

I fell in love with someone
Who could make me smile
When I needed to laugh
And who could cry with me
When I needed to cry.

I feel in love with someone
Who was like me in many ways
I never imagined.

I fell in love with someone
Who could write how I felt
Who could feel how I wrote
Who could understand who I was
Who could be what I understood.

I fell in love with someone
Whose problems were different from mine
But whose heart was the same as mine.

I fell in love with someone
Who wanted to see me all the time
Who I wanted to see
Who wrote poetry for me from time to time
And made pictures for me.

But now things are different
Things have changed slightly.

I fell in love with someone
Who is the same as me
Where I need him to be different
And is different from me
When I need him to be the same.